What Really Makes a Great Leader: 3 Simple Skills

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Bloganuary writing prompt
What makes a good leader?

Hey there! Leading a team can be a big deal, right? Some people are born great leaders while others train for years to become one. In my course of study, I learned that leadership is a skill that can be taught. So, if you want to find out what makes a leader good at their job, keep reading!

Let’s break it down into three simple skills that make a great leader:

Skill #1: Having a Clear Vision

A good leader is like a guiding light in a dark tunnel. They can see where the team should go and inspire them to want to get there. This clear vision gives everyone a sense of direction and a reason to work together. When a leader talks about their vision in a way that everyone gets, it pumps up the team and gets them excited to tackle anything that comes their way.

Skill #2: Being Honest and Trusted

Trust is the secret ingredient of successful team leadership, and honesty is the first step. A good leader is straightforward, keeps things real, and does what they say. This builds a strong foundation of trust within the team by proving they are honest. When everyone trusts the leader, it’s like a superpower that helps the team work better together. Trust in the leader drives creativity and innovation and inspires people to take risks and do their best work.

Skill #3: Communication is Key

A good leader is a great communicator and knows how to talk with their heart. They listen to the team, understand how each team member feels, and try to make everyone feel, valued, appreciated and included. This kind of communication creates a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Leaders who get what their team is going through can solve problems better, make work more enjoyable, and make everyone stay motivated and focused on a goal.


To sum it up, being a great leader is about having a clear vision, being honest and trustworthy, and talking with heart. It’s like being the coolest captain steering a ship through the seas of teamwork.

What other skills do you think are important for leaders that can help them guide their teams to success in the exciting world of work?

Alle Ceambur

Thanks for reading!

2 responses to “What Really Makes a Great Leader: 3 Simple Skills”

  1. Hey Alle, great post on leadership skills! I love how you’ve distilled it into three key skills – having a clear vision, being honest and trusted, and excelling in communication. Your analogy of a leader as a ‘guiding light’ is particularly vivid and captures the essence of visionary leadership perfectly.

    In addition to the skills you’ve mentioned, emotional intelligence is also crucial for effective leadership. The ability to understand and manage one’s emotions, as well as empathize with others, can greatly enhance a leader’s ability to connect with their team, navigate challenges, and create a positive work environment. Another important skill is adaptability – the ability to be flexible and responsive to change, which is vital in today’s fast-paced world.

    Your breakdown of leadership skills is not only insightful but also practical and motivating. Keep up the fantastic work in inspiring future leaders! 👏🌟💼

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