Living “Healthy Like A Boss” with Megan Corey

This month’s featured entrepreneur is Megan Corey – a certified health and wellness coach who is determined to teach busy entrepreneurs how to achieve that perfect balance between living healthy and being a #boss! So, without further ado, I’m glad to share with you my interview with Megan below. She talks about what inspired her to start her coaching business, the struggles she went through and .. of course I had to ask her to share some of her favourite tools for running her online business #fempire.

1. Who has been your inspiration in starting your own business? 

There hasn’t been 1 specific person that inspired me. I came from a family where you worked for someone doing the same thing until you retired. I was taught to get a good job, work hard and save up for retirement. I thought that’s what my life would be. I realized after I had my 2nd child that I wanted more, I wanted to fulfil my passion, I wanted to find my purpose and I wanted to work for myself so I had the flexibility for my family. I have the discipline, determination and desire to always push myself in life and in my work so I knew I had to do something with it. After months and years of reading, researching, listening to podcasts, interviewing business owners and mapping out my strategy, I made the jump to open my business and transition out of the 9-5.

2. What has been the biggest challenge in starting your own business?

The lack of time is #1. While working a 9-5, being a mom to two small boys and trying to start a business on the side, nothing prepares you for what that looks like. I’ve always been an extremely busy person, but very organized. This takes it to a whole new level. The other challenge is just figuring out everything you need to do to start your business, from setting it up, marketing, legal stuff, creating products, providing services, selling, there is so much to do and you really learn along the way. The work is never done because your mind is always buzzing with the next thing you want to do. Then you realize you need to do x before y can happen, but you don’t even know how to do x so you’re back to square one. It’s a humbling experience for sure and so rewarding when you see the pieces start fitting together.

3. What are your favourite tools for running/managing your business online? 

Having a virtual assistant and tech help has been key. Looking for ways to outsource areas you may not be an expert in so you can focus on what you’re good at and what’s important has been a huge help. Tools like Dropbox for sharing and storing documents and videos, Zoom for video conferencing, workshops and group coaching has been great so I can engage with people all around the world from my computer. Having a platform to host my online wellness course that is also an email platform and landing page hub has been extremely beneficial as well.

4. What would you advise other females who are thinking to start their own business?

Start researching what you want to do and have your WHY for starting a business. My why is what keeps me going. I want to help people. I want to transform their lives. I want them to feel and look better than they ever have before in their minds and their bodies. That’s my why. 

I also recommend continuing to learn as you go, be open for constructive feedback, ask questions, find ways to continuously improve, take courses to educate yourself on the areas you are lacking, and just keep going. It’s hard when you fail. It’s hard when things don’t happen as fast as you want them to. It’s hard when you give up your social life for a while or you can’t just veg out on the couch because you are always doing something for your business. But at the same time, you have to find time for your self-care, your mental and physical well-being. That is one thing I never let suffer. Even if it’s 15 minutes of something each day, you need that release to be a better businesswoman. Some of my best ideas come to me when I’m taking a break when I’m running on the treadmill or taking a yoga class. Allow yourself to take the needed breaks so you don’t break!

About Meghan Corey

“My name is Megan Corey. I’m a Certified Health and Wellness Coach to busy professionals, executives and entrepreneurs. I help people change their habits, shift their mindsets and transform their lives through my virtual private and group coaching programs. My program focuses on mindset, nutrition, stress management, fitness to create overall lifestyle changes that are sustainable and realistic so they last. I’m also a mom to two small, very energetic boys, I love to go on adventures, travel, and I love to be active. Just living life to the fullest to be Healthy Like a Boss!”

Get in Touch with Megan:





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How to grow on Social Media: Content Types, Trends, Tips & Tools

Are you planning your Social Media Strategy?

Then, you’re in the right place, because in this article you’ll get the latest tips, trends, and apps recommendation to help you grow your business on social media.

This article is a collaboration with Gurmeet Kaur, the creative hands behind “Hands4uu”- KL’s upcoming Digital Marketing Agency. We’ve befriended each other on Instagram and earlier this month, I’ve asked Gurmeet to answer 4 audience questions which I have compiled based on my followers’ inquiries.

So, without further ado, let’s go through the Q&A style post. 

1. What are the most popular content types for social media?

Popular Content Types

Content marketing is going to become even more prevalent in the upcoming decade with a greater emphasis on quality. Instagram is already starting to remove likes and the number of views for certain countries (update: Instagram has hidden likes across the globe). That will most likely be implemented worldwide by next year and affect more accounts. As a result, it’s even more important for content marketers to post engaging content that will help resonate with their audience as opposed to vanity metrics. 

I see these 2 types of content grow in popularity:

1.1 Video Content    

According to a Cisco study, by the year 2022, about 82% of all online content will be via videos. Video content is going to dominate the next decade and take up the social media world by storm. It’s already showing an increase in the number of TikTok users with about 500 million active users worldwide as of September 2019 (source: Oberlo blog-TikTok statistics). Besides TikTok, there are stories on Instagram or longer-form content on YouTube which can be incorporated into your social media as well. Let’s not forget Reels and Livestream as well on Instagram.

1.2 Digital Products

Offering a range of digital products like e-books, webinars, tutorials are going to see an upward trend in the next few years. Everyone wants an easier way to learn with the convenience of being able to playback a tutorial or replay that training session. 

2. Content Creation Trends for 2020 

2.1. Instagram becoming your home page

Your Instagram profile has all the inbuilt qualities to become your new home page. The goal of your Insta feed should be to convert visitors into followers and eventually pay clients. Keep in mind, when setting up your Insta profile, it’s important to have everything aligned with your brand. The colours, the tone, the message. Brand consistency is very important for recognition. 

2.2 Emphasis on Authenticity    


This has to do with the no-edit trend where you should focus on posting original, authentic pictures with no filters. Clients want to see a more honest and real side of you/your business. Show your face or film yourself behind the scene of running your business. 

2.3. Photography & Emoji Combo

Emojis have become very popular and relevant in the last few months (another trend influenced by TikTok). Adding an emoji to your photo (or video), helps you stand out from the crowd and convey even more emotions. Take inspiration from influencer @kedjess who is a huge fan of this and uses emojis on all her photos. 

3. Marketer’s Favorite Content Creation apps for Instagram content

  • Canva – It’s very easy to use and makes your graphics, presentations and all your other marketing/branding collaterals look very professional.  
  • Storio – Great templates for creating stories and posts.
  • Typorama – Great for Typography designs, type and overlay pictures. 

Check-out my favorite Instagram analytics tools and Social Media Scheduler.

4. The No.1 thing most businesses get wrong

There’s no proper strategy or plan in terms of what you post. If your business deals with cosmetics or make-up products for example, why are you posting content on how to bake a cake? You need to have a proper strategy in place. If that’s intimidating to start with, focus on setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely) goals to help you work out your strategy needed.  

Final thoughts – How to grow on Social Media in 2022?

Growing on social media is not as easy as it once was. With more marketers, brands, advertising and new types of content you really need to invest time in your content. Hopefully, with the tools, tips and advice shared in this post, you have a better idea of what it takes to grow a presence on social media.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this article which is part of my Women Entrepreneurs series. Every month for the next 6 months I will be posting an article highlighting other female startups. Let me know if you have any questions for me or Gurmeet. Do you like this type of post? I would appreciate your feedback. 

About Gurmeet – BA (Hons) Management Studies, University of Nottingham  

She spent 5 years working for DHL and quit her job because she “wanted to pursue something of my own and came up with the idea of Hands4uu”. She helps start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs with digital marketing and social media management and aims to expand into corporate training as well in the future. Follow her on social media to get more insights, tips, tricks & updates on the social world and content strategies.

Connect with Gurmeet:

Instagram: @hands4uu

